Home 5 Making things: modernized
Making things: modernized
Industry 4.0 is here. The technological revolution that is taking place in manufacturing is driving small and medium manufacturers (SMMs) to look at ways to modernize their production environment.

New technologies, sensors, data and analytics, and advanced robotics have the potential to enhance productivity, lower costs, improve product quality, and increase operational efficiencies.

However, technology, on its own, is not going to provide the results or value that SMMs need. Instead, technology is a tool to make things better.

Aligning technology and strategy to modernize facilities

Implement the right technology, align your modernization efforts with your overall strategy, and ensure that investments in technology fit with your existing capabilities and machines.

JAE Automation takes a design-centric approach to automation technology to help SMMs understand how technology fits into their business strategy. By considering the entire production process, JAE Automation identifies where technology will have the most impact and ensures that SMMs have the right information, data, and operational knowledge available when making strategic decisions.

Seeing the benefits of modernization

Industry 4.0 can feel daunting, and it’s often difficult to know where to begin. Many SMMs have invested in technology without seeing the results they were promised, making them hesitant to do so again.


As a trusted partner, JAE Automation ensures you think strategically about new technology and understand how it will impact existing systems, equipment, and process, leading to significant improvements that drive innovation and long-term success.


Our capabilities:


Automation Design


Automation Consulting


Custom Builds and Installation


Data and Analytics


Manufacturing Controls


Manufacturing Safety Systems


Robot Integration


Support and Maintenance


Vision Systems


And more